How to register your domain name at step by step- SourceMasters

Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to register your domain name at step by step

Before looking at how to register your domain name at, it is recommended that you read our latest post on "how you can choose your domain name with uniqueness" at here Follow me

Today, in this article we are going to show you how you can sign up  and register your domain name at to start your own site or blog.

  1. Domain name you want to register 
  2. Follow up link
After getting your domain name ready for registration, follow the above given follow up the link to proceed to the first step towards your registration.

  • After entering into the landing page, enter you domain name in the search field at as shown below search engine
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For example: let us consider that we are going to search for a domain name called geeks!

  1. Using the above name, we search for availability in the search engine and press enter. Then you would get the following results from 
Godaddy cart
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  1. 1. After choosing your domain name from the results page, click on "SELECT" button and then click on "CONTINUE TO CART" button continue to cart
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   2. It's time to choose your plan from business or individual and also check for business email and website builder. Finally, click on "CONTINUE TO CART" button

  3. After completing above two steps, it's time to fill up some details about you. Fill all the fields with appropriate details as these would be helpful for future communications between you and registration
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 4 . Finally, click on "SUBMIT" button to continue to pay out your amount for your domain name cost.
4.1. At the time of paying amount to, you have the options like debit, credit or net banking to pay the entire amount to
5. That's it after completing all the above steps, your domain name would be registered under your name.
6. Now, it's time to turn your domain name into a live website or blog!
7. Linking your domain name with blogger blog is an upcoming tutorial from us.

You can Check it out here ---> Link Domain name with blogger blog



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