Before we are going to start our new article on How to load blogger custom template into blogger by replacing the default template, you may want to follow our previous article on how to create a Responsive template for blogger From HERE.
Hello, Everyone! Today we are going to show you how you can load a custom template to blogger by replacing the original template that comes with the blogger!Requirements:
- Custom Responsive template (applies to classic templates too)
- Blogger Account.
Ok, Let's get started.
- In today's Smartphone environment, every site on WWW should be responsive to view their site on mobile platforms!
- One can achieve that with the help of Responsive templates! Responsive templates are nothing but automatic shrinkable widgets, content etc.., on the website.
After getting the template ready, it time to start our process in loading the template into the blogger by replacing the original template from blogger.
- First of all sign into your blogger account with ID and PASSWORD
- After successfully logging into the blogger account, Go to TEMPLATE section where you would find some options to load the template, we mean custom template!
- After doing the above step, you would see something similar to the below page
- Its time to load up your new template to your blogger platform, for that you need to click on BACK/RESTORE button which would be available for your to click at the top right of the template window
- For reference purpose, we point the BACKUP/RESTORE button with RED arrow symbol
- Simply click on the button to start loading your new template into blogger
- After clicking on that button, you would get a box that would be similar to the below image
- Now, it's a three-step process from 1 to 3 those steps are;
- Choosing the template file, mostly ".XML" file from your computer
- Completing the upload process by clicking on the UPLOAD button available on the screen of template window
- Finally closing the BACKUP/RESTORE box
- Step-1. Step one can be performed by pressing on the choose file button, navigating to the place where the template file is and finally opening the template.XML file in blogger.
- Step-2 Step two can be performed by pressing the upload button to start uploading and there in turn replacing the old or default template from blogger.
- Step-3 Step three is the final phase in loading a template to blogger blog i.e., completing the process by pressing the CLOSE button
After completing all the above steps, you need to check once whether there are any errors in the load.
For that purpose, you need to go to your domain and check out for any errors.
Without directly entering your domain URL for template checking, you have another option for entering into your new site with the custom template is that you can press VIEW BLOG button available on your blogger to view your blog directly from your blog!
- If you found any errors while uploading your XML file into the blogger, then must make sure that you are using XML file for uploading into blogger.
- Before uploading, it is advised and recommend that you BACKUP your current template if you have made any changes to the original or default template that is available in the blogger!
That concludes the Tutorial :)
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