Lumen Data Company Interview Process Written by Interviewed Candidate 2017- SourceMasters

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Lumen Data Company Interview Process Written by Interviewed Candidate 2017

Lumen Data interview Process:

  •  1st Round:-

3 sections in 1 written paper(10 questions in each section..only MCQ questions... cutoff for each section)

  •  programming output questions (in Java)...but array bound out the error,if-else, loops, derived class(find out error which private member is accepted into the derived class, that was an error)...

string concatenation....

let a=5,b=7. Then System.out.println("The sum of "+a "and" +b "is " +(a+b));+some theoretical also.

  • logical reasoning of the diagram (given picture flip 90,180-degree anti-clockwise and anticlockwise...up and down. horizontal, vertical (all same type)...

  • aptitude (easy level ratio,profit loss,. equation..probability..permutation..etc )

  •  2nd Round:-

1 face to face technical.
they will ask DS, DBMS, JAVA ..(sorting.linked list....bst...sql queries..)
and they need code in only JAVA.

2 technical round face to face..they ask a lot of things.

  • 3rd Round:-

There will be a coding round in Java Programming.



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