Frequently asked C Programs :
Note:if you will go for any technical interview, then interviewer will must ask 2-3 C programs to write. so you guys can prepare these C programs.
1. WAP to remove comment lines .
2. WAP to reverse the string like i love India so output will be - India love i
3. WAP to find string is palindrome or not.
4. WAP to find the length of string.
5. WAP to find the number is power of 2 or not.
6. WAP for string comparison.
7. WAP of Bubble sort.
8. WAP to find the LCM nd GCD.
9. WAP to find the sum of digits in number like 245 so output will be 2 + 4 + 5 = 11
10.WAP to find the sum of even and odd nodes in a linked list.
11.. string reverse without using temparary variable nd second array.
12.Wap for fibnocci series for n number :0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21….
13.wap(write a program ) to find out the highest number in given numbers
14.WAP to reverse the string using linked list
15. wap to remove the blanck space from the string without using built in function
16.WAP for 2^n like 2^3..(search on google u will get answer)
17. write a program to find out the sub string of a string without using built in function
18.wap for bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort
19.write a recursive function to find the length of the of string
20write a recursive function to find the factorial of a number
21. write a program to reverse the words of a statements like(my name is shankar ) o/p=raknahs si eman ym
22. write a program to compare the strings
23. wap to count the characters in a string.
24wap to remove the comment from a given program
25. Reverse the linked list program
8. WAP to find the LCM nd GCD.
9. WAP to find the sum of digits in number like 245 so output will be 2 + 4 + 5 = 11
10.WAP to find the sum of even and odd nodes in a linked list.
11.. string reverse without using temparary variable nd second array.
12.Wap for fibnocci series for n number :0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21….
13.wap(write a program ) to find out the highest number in given numbers
14.WAP to reverse the string using linked list
15. wap to remove the blanck space from the string without using built in function
16.WAP for 2^n like 2^3..(search on google u will get answer)
17. write a program to find out the sub string of a string without using built in function
18.wap for bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort
19.write a recursive function to find the length of the of string
20write a recursive function to find the factorial of a number
21. write a program to reverse the words of a statements like(my name is shankar ) o/p=raknahs si eman ym
22. write a program to compare the strings
23. wap to count the characters in a string.
24wap to remove the comment from a given program
25. Reverse the linked list program
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