As we now going to look at how we can integrate or link our site with google webmasters tools, you may want to take a look at our previous article about Integrating site or blog with google analytics from HERE.
In order to make some good business out from the google or other resources, you need to optimize your Website or blog with Some SEO tools, just like Google webmasters tools
Google webmasters tools help your business to grow. Wanna know how? consider the below scenario
You prepared your site with SEO ready tools then what happens!
When someone or a user around the world searches for a particular piece of information and your site data contains that requesting information, then google would place your site result at the first post of their first page which means that user according to marketing statistics there is 95% of the chances that he consider your site for checking his needed information.
while checking your site, he navigate through many pages on your site which makes you money from google Adsense or if you are on affiliate marketing then only no problem, if that user clicks on your ad links and purchases any product at the merchant site, you would get tons of $ dollars depending on the product he bought from the merchant site.
There is another sweetest part when using SEO tools for your website or blog for tracking and indexing your site with search engines is that your page rank may get to a good level if you perfectly follow some conditions at the Webmasters tools.
Don't let your business go down because of not using SEO techniques for your site! You might be wondering how I can start doing all this right? no worries until we are with you!
We are now going to show you some basic SEO tips by linking your site or blog to google webmasters tools with step by step process.
Hello, Everyone! Today we are going to show you how you can link your website or blog with google webmasters tools for indexing purpose of your website.Requirements:
- Website with complete navigation
- Google account
ok, Let's get down to the business!
Well, that sounds like a big programming thing to deal with to you, but completely no! and that's not the only thing when operating a website or blog for your business or individual purpose, the website needs to get good traffic from google to make his or her business a good deal to operate.
- A Good navigatoin, site speed or good page views doesn't really guarantee your site to be on top of the list in google search results! The reason is lack of knowledge about the SEO thing that is, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION!
In order to make some good business out from the google or other resources, you need to optimize your Website or blog with Some SEO tools, just like Google webmasters tools
Google webmasters tools help your business to grow. Wanna know how? consider the below scenario
You prepared your site with SEO ready tools then what happens!
When someone or a user around the world searches for a particular piece of information and your site data contains that requesting information, then google would place your site result at the first post of their first page which means that user according to marketing statistics there is 95% of the chances that he consider your site for checking his needed information.
while checking your site, he navigate through many pages on your site which makes you money from google Adsense or if you are on affiliate marketing then only no problem, if that user clicks on your ad links and purchases any product at the merchant site, you would get tons of $ dollars depending on the product he bought from the merchant site.
There is another sweetest part when using SEO tools for your website or blog for tracking and indexing your site with search engines is that your page rank may get to a good level if you perfectly follow some conditions at the Webmasters tools.
Don't let your business go down because of not using SEO techniques for your site! You might be wondering how I can start doing all this right? no worries until we are with you!
We are now going to show you some basic SEO tips by linking your site or blog to google webmasters tools with step by step process.
- The very first step you need to do is to sign into your google analytics account using below URL
- Efter pressing enter on keyboard, you would see something similar to the below image page on your screen
- From the above image, click on the "SIGN INTO SEARCH CONSOLE" button to sign in to your google webmasters tools account where you can index your site with google database
- Give your ID and PASSWORD correctly, if not google would throw some error at your screen.
- Now it's time to add a property into google webmasters tools account, property here we mean that your site URL
- Enter your SITE URL in the field of ENTER the URL after clicking on the ADD PROPERTY red button at the right side of the landing page after sign in
- Now, enter the site URL and then press on CONTINUE button to verify your ownership of the site you just add on webmasters tools
- The next step consists of verification where google will ask your to provide the ownership of your site by providing different options to very your site ownership at google webmasters tools
- There are two methods that google will provide to verify your site ownership at google webmasters tools. Those are;
- Recommended Methods
- Alternative methods
- Recommended methods include the below options to verify your site ownership on google analytics
- HTML verification file
- File upload to your site root folder
- URL site verification
- Direct verification
- Whereas Alternative methods include the below methods for proving the ownership at google webmasters tools
- HTML tag
- Domain Name Provider
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Don't let confuse your brain with these different methods of verification, we would help you in verification with the simple and easy method that is, through google analytics.
- As we already seen how you can configure your site with Google analytics, now it's time to use the google analytics for our verification at google webmasters tools
- For this, you just need to go to the ALTERNATIVE METHODS and then you need to select Google analytics radio button and click on red VERIFY button to start verification process
- Then your browser would redirect you to Google analytics where you need to click on link button when prompted
- After successful completion of your linking, your would see the below landing page which is shown in the below image
- If your site is having HTTPS support, then need to add that site URL as a separate property on google webmasters tools
- In order to submit your site to INDEXING, you need to send sitemap.XML file to Google through google webmasters tools sitemap option
- The submission of the Sitemap.XML file to google webmasters tools is our next tutorial. You can read it HERE
- That concludes our tutorial on how you can submit or link your website or blog to google webmasters tools for indexing your site at google index database in order to grow your business and earn money from the search engine easily!
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